Digital TV
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What is digital TV?
Digital TV is the method of transmission of TV signals digitally, which is an upgrade over the regular analog TV signals that needed to be transmitted via wires. In case of a digital TV, you directly get signals for your TV via a satellite dish. Furthermore, there is also a significant jump in the picture quality, overall sound, and display resolution as well. This, in turn, provides a much better TV watching experience for everyone involved.
How does digital TV work?
To understand how digital TV signal works, you need to understand that digital TV converts the regular signals into binary codes or into 0s and 1s. This is the same technology that helps computers to store files within them.
First, the program is divided or broken down into tiny bits, where each bit represents a very miniscule part of information. Then, the bits are rearranged once again to recreate the picture that was originally meant to be transmitted. This way, the overall image quality is not affected in any manner. The picture and sounds that are generated are identical, leading to a better end-user experience for the consumer.